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These are just some of the groups we’re supporting – we also have some housing co-operatives in early stages setting up; these are people coming together to try to solve their own housing issues by providing affordable and sustainable housing for themselves.

Shepherdswell CLT

Our most advanced CLT having achieved planning permission in January 2022; they are the first CLT in Kent to get planning.  Working in partnership with English Rural Housing Association they will provide 10 affordable rented homes for people from the village.  We’ve supported them throughout their project and will continue to do so through their Build stage. Read more about their plans and progress here.

Faversham Community Land Trust

We were able to help Faversham CLT access funding for their housing needs survey and provide them with some Technical Advice. They’re making great strides towards providing affordable housing in their town

Folkestone Nepalese Community

We’re working with FNC to help them decide what type of CLH they need and how to achieve it through our training and Technical Support services. They also have support from their local authority CLH service

Frittenden Community Land Trust

A rural CLT looking to provide truly affordable housing in their village. We undertook a housing needs survey in the village, helped them look for a suitable site and continue to support them to bring their ambitions to life.

Kent Cohousing

We’ve welcomed Kent Cohousing to our network and training sessions including specifically on funding for cohousing schemes. They’re looking for land in various parts of Kent including garden cities

Tenterden Community Land Trust

We’ve worked with Tenterden CLT to engage the wider community, undertaken a housing needs survey in the town and continue support their ambitions through the creation of a business plan, their search for land and suitable development partners

Thanet Community Land Trust

We’ve provided Technical Advice to Thanet CLT, helping them to choose an architect with high sustainability credentials, apply for funding and Registered Provider status